Hemp Shives

Dedusting canapulo available in the ideal granulometry for all uses 0-25mm.
Packaging: 5kg and 20kg
Grain size: 0-5 mm and 0-25 mm
The canapulo is the woody inner part of the plant stem that remains when the bark fiber is removed.
It has a liquid absorption power equal to 5 times its weight.
Mixed with water and lime, it undergoes a process of "mineralization" thanks to which the bio composite becomes performing and long-lasting. The blend of hemp, lime and other natural materials have performance believed to be better than any other material available on the market today.
The biomass produced in 3-4 months is the equivalent of what a tree is able to develop on average in 4 years, with equal proportions for the quantity of CO2 sequestered from the atmosphere. Using hemp and lime in construction therefore means not returning the carbon to the atmosphere and having the first building material with a negative carbon footprint.
- Construction: construction from scratch, renovations and restorations (mixed with lime)
- Animal bedding
- Agriculture: mulching for vegetables, flowers, etc.
- Excellent filling material for various uses
- Handicraft
Advantages of Canapulo in Construction
The hemp chipboard (hemp) is rich in microscopic alveoli filled with air in which continuous processes of micro-condensation and micro-evaporation are able to block the passage of heat and cold from the outside to the inside of the building (and vice versa) and to regulate humidity, offering exceptional living comfort.
- Thermal insulation
- Soundproofing
- Thermal inertia
- Humidity regulation
The hemp becomes an organic - mineral fertilizer of high quality thanks to the considerable reduction of the ammonia nitrogen content, so it does not alter the balance of the soil to be cultivated and can be sold to farmers.
All members are admitted by the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Policy Regulations "Code for the Protection and Management of Equidae" art.1.4.16.
Classified as NOT dangerous under the Dl. 14/03 of 2003 n. 65 implementing directives 99/45 EC and 2001/60 / EC.
It does not contain substances that present health or environmental hazards in individual concentrations> 0 = 1% therefore Directive 2001/58 / EC, transposed by the decree of the Ministry of Health of 07/09/2002, does not apply. Therefore no toxicity was found.
If you need more information Contact us
La canapa per prodotti 100% sostenibili
Una pianta, una continua scoperta
Siamo una multimpresa specializzata nel business della canapa industriale in Europa. Canapuglia si impegna da oltre 10 anni, a fornire prodotti e servizi di alta qualità nel settore alimentare, dell'edilizia, dell'agricoltura e non solo.
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