Hemp fabrics

100% hemp fabrics, available in various weights, heights and colours.
The price refers to the linear metre. For purchases in large volumes or to personalize a fabric, do not hesitate to contact us at info@canapuglia.it
- Clara 340 gr/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- CLASSIC 470 gr/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- SACK CLOTH 495 gr/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- SONIA 509 g/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- CLAUDIA 550gr/m² ±H 1.50m BLACK
- POLAR 785 g/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- JEANS 800 gr/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- SUPREME 845 gr/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- ARTIC 890 gr/m² ±H 1.50 m NATURAL
- SPONGE 55% HEMP 45%, 2 curls, ±H1.60m WHITE, CREAM
Hemp fiber is probably the fiber that, more than any other, reflects the biological creed together with the needs of versatility and practicality required by the market. The range of fabrics obtainable from its fiber is very wide: thanks to modern processes it has been possible to spin counts up to 36,000 metric which is equivalent to the thinnest linens used in clothing. The hemp fabric it is highly protective as it filters 95% of ultraviolet rays and shields from electromagnetic fields creates, in contact with the skin, a micro-massage that promotes blood circulation it has remarkable absorption power and easily disperses body moisture.
Being a hollow fiber, it is characterized by a thermostatic effect which allows for the development of a sort of "natural insulation" thanks to which it is possible to perceive a sensation of freshness in summer and warmth in winter, creating an optimal body microclimate without causing bacterial proliferation. often cause of bad smells.
It can be washed in the washing machine and the washes make it softer and more pleasant.The hemp fiber is both soft and resistant. Although having an appearance similar to linen, which produces folds at right angles, those of hemp are rounded and tend, if not to disappear, to attenuate considerably, so much so that the garments can be worn several times, while maintaining a pleasant appearance and without having to be ironed every time.
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