Hemp filament HBP PLA

Spool of hemp filament (20%) and PLA (corn starch)
Weight : 250 gr and 1 Kg
Diameters : ø 1.75 mm
100% biodegradable
For every type of 3D printer
The "old meets the new". Hemp fiber is one of the oldest and strongest types of natural fiber.
Hemp Filament is the 3D printing filament produced and processed in Italy from Italian hemp. Industrial hemp crops do not require herbicides, pesticides and grow more densely than corn. No dyes are used for the Hemp filament, allowing it to maintain a true natural brown.
It turned out to be mechanically more performing than the other bio-plastics already on the market, and aesthetically more valuable, with veins reminiscent of wood.
Agritech • Packaging • Automotive • Aeromotive • Drones • Apparel • Playful
The natural matrix "A" together with the hemp fiber, gives life to the biocomposite "A" which due to its characteristics can very well be used to replace polyethylene terephthalate, the classic PET used for example for plastic bottles, which is a material polluting and not eco-sustainable.
This bio-composite can be used for example to coat steel pipes, as an anti-corrosive and insulator, otherwise coated with polypropylene. This material has a high specific resistance such that it can be used for aeronautical uses or to build car bodies.
Its lightness also makes it particularly suitable for the construction of technological objects, such as small drones.
Print settings:
- Nozzle: 0.6-0.4mm
- Extrusion temperature: 165 ° / 190 ° C. The color varies with the temperature: the higher it is, the darker it is.
- Cooling fan: OFF
- Print speed: max 60 mm / sec
- Heated base: not needed
- Diameter tolerance: ± 0.10mm
The published data are for initial reference only, the adjustment must be refined to find the optimal settings based on your print setup.
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