
EU certified seed Polish monoecious variety.
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The first certified monoecious variety born in Poland. It is characterized by a large yield of high quality fiber and a large quantity of seeds. A stabilized variety, grown for textile purposes since the 1960s. Popular with CBD extract manufacturers for its interesting cannabinoid profile.
Below is a list of the main features:
Genotype : Monoica
Climate adaptability : North, Central, Southern Europe, North and South America
Vegetative cycle : 142/145 days
Height : 2.5 - 3.5 meters
Flowering period : 70/75 days
Average yield in seeds Kg / ha: 400-600
Average yield in round bales T / ha: 15-25
Average yield in inflorescences ** (dry biomass): Kg / ha: 600-1000
THC : ≤0.2%
CBD * : 2 - 5%
* CBD is a molecule belonging to the cannabinoid family. At the moment 140 of them have been identified in the hemp inflorescences. CBD can be influenced by various chemical-physical, genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, each strain could develop a variable CBD content based on the phenotypes in the field.
** Depends on cultivation techniques. and the harvesting method used.
*** The seed booking season runs from November to March, the seed purchased outside the distribution campaign has an extra cost of 10% compared to the original price.
The seed, if stored in a cool and dry place, retains the germination capacity also for the following year.
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