CBDV crystals
CBDV in crystals al 99% purity . 1% is made up of terpenes, naturally present in Hemp.
Packaging : 1gr
Also available in bulk , for more information contact us .
I are obtained through the natural extraction of the active ingredient from European certified cannabis plants. Cannabidivarin is one of the rarest non-psychoactive substances found naturally in cannabis plants. The compound has a very similar chemical structure to its CBD counterpart and has similar effects on our body.
Some of the most important effects of CBDV on the human body are :
- treatment of autistic disorders
- helps repair damage and stop nerve wasting in areas of the brain associated with Rett syndrome
- relieves neuropathic pain
- works against nausea
- effective anticonvulsant for seizures such as epilepsy and Parkinson's disease
- curbs your appetite
- supports bone repair
- helps reduce acne
Features and curiosities:
- Precursor of CBD
- He is not psychotropic
- Dr. L. Vollner first identified CBDV in 1969
- It affects the TRPV1 receptors of the central and peripheral nervous system
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