Dottor Cannabis
The story of an antiprohibitionist doctor: Fabrizio Cinquini is an Italian surgeon who repeatedly declared himself for his hemp plantations cultivated in order to donate it to patients with serious diseases, from multiple sclerosis to cancer.
For his anti-prohibitionist battle he suffered arrest and a first-degree sentence for the infamous Fini-Giovanardi, a law subsequently declared unconstitutional.
Dr. Cinquini has never decided to submit to such unjust laws, continuing to report himself and persevering to treat his patients with hemp by paying for this legislative violation with jail and house arrest.
His courageous battle is first of all a battle for the freedom of self-determination against the big pharmaceutical medical lobbies, which boycott a plant with immense medical potential recognized for millennia.
In Italy, Fabrizio Cinquini has become a point of reference for anti-prohibitionist thinking, which aims at the approval of a law that finally makes self-cultivation possible for therapeutic and recreational purposes of hemp.
Bibliographic information
Book Title: Dottor Cannabis. la storia di un medico antiproibizionista
Author: Fabrizio Cinquini Publisher: Dissensi
Publication Date: April 2016
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