Marijuana Jorge Cervantes
This book is considered by many cultivators to be the Bible of cultivation.
The famous book on Indoor and Outdoor Horticulture written by Jorge Cervantes, completely in Italian.
Indispensable for those who want to deepen the topic with a scientific approach.
Divided into 16 very comprehensive chapters:
Horticulture, Seeds, Vegetative Growth, Flowering, Harvesting, Grow Rooms and Greenhouses, Outdoor, Case Study and Crop Calendar, Light, Lamps and Electricity, Earth and Container, Water and Nutrients, Hydroponic Gardening, Air, Pests, molds and diseases, preparation, genetics.
Warning : All information contained in this book is for informational purposes only and is not intended in any way to condone, promote or incite the use of illegal substances or violation of the law.
Canapuglia does not instigate or approve illegal acts, consequently it relieves itself of any responsibility for the use of information by third parties in conflict with the law.
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